Page 5 - Wellspring Calgary
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wished that all of that was available under one roof, are exercise spaces, integrated spaces dedicated
for free, for anyone who needed it. It was with this in to programs, community building, a community
mind that they created Wellspring Calgary.” kitchen, and a space where people can land and
have conversations and meals. “It's truly a bright
“We like to be in home-like settings,” says Niki and beautiful and, and warm and inviting space,”
Fehr, Centre Manager. “So the Randy O’Dell House says Fehr.
is designed to feel like a home and built to be
incredibly warm and welcoming.”
Randy O’Dell House is awaiting LEED-certification,
and is built to standards to promote the health and
wellness of the people in the building and to grow
a community. All of the building materials are free
carcinogens, mercury, and lead, for an “extra layer”
of peace-of-mind.
The building is filled with spaces that promote
conversation, wellness, and restoration. There
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