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Inuvialuit Trust, a well as additionally providing an objective of the IFA and are provided in accordance
Elders distribution to all Inuvialuit Elders (60 years with the IRC Distribution Policy in order to ensure
and over) each December. These direct payments sufficient reinvestment of profits to guarantee the
are in addition to education scholarships, charitable preservation and growth of the land claim capital.”
and foundational funds established—the Inuvialuit
Education Foundation (IEF), training, support in the CANADIAN NORTH
form of wellness programs and health, Inuvialuit In an effort to empower progress and enable Inuit
Harvesters Assistance Program (IHAP), and many to become meaningful participants in both the
other initiatives. Northern and national economies, IRC helped
to create the first sustainable Pan-Arctic airline,
“IRC is pleased to provide consistent financial Canadian North, in partnership with Makivik
distributions to Inuvialuit beneficiaries,” says Corporation.
Smith. “These financial benefits are a fundamental
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