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sense for Northern communities and residents,” says Smith. “This Inuit-
led achievement was made possible by investment of time and diligent
leadership and was long sought in order to best meet needs for service,
connectivity, reliability, safety, environment, and self-determination.”
The planning process has just begun, and while the full effects of this merger
will take time, we are excited to see what such a large, 100 per cent-Inuit-
owned company can do for Northerners and Canada.”
Going into his second term as Chair and CEO, Duane says his goals are to
deliver on the direction from IRC leadership being put forward in a three-
year strategic plan surrounding everything from culture and language,
to education and economic development, human resources, and with an
emphasis on land management, and promoting and strengthening Inuvialuit
IRC will work diligently for its beneficiaries. Says Smith, “We will continue
to implement the IFA and educate the world at large, while continuing to
have dialogue with governments. This work is all to advance the collective
interests of Inuvialuit.”
For more information on the IFA, please visit
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