Page 5 - SBB
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SBB’s ERS towers are modular aluminum guyed
structures. By establishing a temporary bypass
SBB enjoys both a worldwide
of damaged towers, they can help quickly restore
clientele while remaining proudly
power on a power transmission line from 69kV
to 1200kV. Designed for ease and speed of
installation, the ERS can be installed on all types of
ground in any weather. complies to a long list of internationally recognized
standards. All its products are exhaustively tested
“They are designed to work like Lego blocks,” in a dedicated R&D area in the SBB factory, often in
explains Gharzani, “without the need for heavy presence of clients. Once client approval is given,
equipment to put them together. The intent is to the ERS are loaded into containers that are shipped
restore damaged power transmission lines, for to all corners of the world. Upon reaching its final
example in the event a tower is wiped out by a destination, the ERS towers are ready for action and
hurricane, so you can restore power on that line in will ensure safety and protection of power grids in
the matter of a few hours.” over 57 countries and counting, a testament to the
strong network of local representatives throughout
The company is certified ISO9001:2015 and the world.
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