Page 9 - SBB
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count on a stable and dedicated workforce of “We want to continue to develop this kind of activity,
passionate people with multicultural backgrounds. manufacturing industrial structures different from
SBB’s efforts to offer a work-life balance to its the towers, and more of a local active geared
employees was recently recognized by the Ministry towards business manufacturing companies,” says
of Family and the Quebec Young Chambers of Gharzani. Look out for the SBB sign in maritime
Commerce, that have awarded the company a prize manufacturing areas and shipyards in the future, as
for its work-life initiatives. this is also in their sights.
Gharzani says that since the ERS services are so Whatever they choose, the SBB expertise in
successful, SBB is looking to diversify its services. engineering, aluminum welding as well as the its
With diversification as the next step, manufacturing flexible production system will help them to take on
for the transportation sector presents a strong whatever challenge their clients come up with. Says
and exciting opportunity for the company. SBB is Gharzani, “While we continue to grow on a steady
a subcontractor for a major global multinational path in our core service, we are putting a lot of effort
rail equipment manufacturing company, having into other paths where we feel we will experience
manufactured roofs for train cars since 2014, and some interesting growth.”
looking to expand in this area.
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