Page 4 - City of Abbotsford
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“The record growth is the result of that plan because there’s certainty,
predictability and consistency. So when any developer comes in they’re all
playing by the same rules because they know what the rules are.”
— Abbotsford Mayor Henry Braun
“The record growth is the result of that plan because are protected for agricultural use, underscoring
there’s certainty, predictability and consistency,” Abbotsford as the largest agriculture-producing
says Braun. “So when any developer comes in jurisdiction in all of Canada.
they’re all playing by the same rules because they
know what the rules are.” The city’s farm gate receipts in the last census, in
2016, were $852 million, says Braun. “That levels out
This growth follows the Conference Board the humps and valleys during economic downturns,
of Canada recognizing the city in 2015 as a because people have to eat. We’re producing
“community with one of the fastest-growing roughly half of the poultry, eggs and milk that British
economies in the country.” Columbia consumes.”
A constant that has been fuelling Abbotsford’s Poultry and dairy aside, the city has been known as
economy is agriculture. Eighty per cent of city lands the raspberry capital of Canada.
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