Page 6 - City of Abbotsford
P. 6

Abbotsford-based Conair Aviation has been
           busy, to say the least, not only in B.C. but all

           over the world. Luckily, they’ve got 51 years
           of experience to draw upon, and a slogan
           – “protecting our world” — to guide them. 

           From modest beginnings in 1969, Conair is
           now a leader in providing comprehensive

           aerial firefighting aircraft and services with
           a team of more than 400 experienced pro-

           fessionals.  With hundreds of proprietary
           supplemental type certificates (STC) for
           modifications of a variety of aircraft, Conair       “Now we’re the blueberry capital, because there’s

           is the world’s most experienced aerial fire-         been a switch over from raspberries to blueberries,”
           fighting company.                                    Braun explains. “We still have raspberries, but not

                                                                as much as we did when I was 14 years old, picking
           Conair’s roots go back to Skyway Air Ser-
           vices, which operated through the post-              them during the summer.”

           war ’40s, ’50s and ’60s as an aerial insect/
           crop spraying, pilot-training business.              Notably, agriculture is one of the sectors that has
                                                                been least affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
           Today, Conair  boasts a fleet of 72 aerial
           firefighting aircraft with operations across         As the sector continues to evolve, Abbotsford

           Canada, the United States, France and Aus-           is experiencing new opportunities in agriculture
           tralia. “We just love what we do and have            technology and innovation, driving more economic
           stayed curious about figuring out the best           opportunity for the region.

           way to do our jobs to support the aerial fire-
           fighting industry. It’s never a matter of ‘That      Other important industries in Abbotsford are

           can’t be done’ when we are presented with            transportation, advanced manufacturing and
           a challenge; our teams always approach               aerospace and aviation.
           things from the perspective of ‘What do we

           need to do to make this happen?’ and that            ABBOTSFORD LAW
           has served us well,” says chairman and
           CEO Barry Marsden about Conair’s success.            COURTS PROJECT

                                                                In terms of development, a new $150-million

                                         courthouse in the City Centre Civic Precinct is
                                                                estimated to have created more than 1,000 jobs

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