Page 7 - WBE Canada
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more about the benefits of certification, visit .
7) Attend WBE Canada’s 2020 Annual Conference
- WBE Canada’s Annual Conference is the leading
event for corporate and government leaders,
procurement professionals and women-owned
businesses in Canada. If you are a women-owned
business looking for opportunities to grow your
business, this is where you need to be (virtually!)
Network and meet with corporate and government
leaders and procurement professionals, connect
with potential partners and suppliers and discover
the latest strategies to scale up and grow your
business. Find more information at .
Finally, to all women entrepreneurs out there, don’t
give up. Don’t let hurdles break you, instead use
them to your advantage. You’re doing great, not
just for yourself but for your community and your
country at large. Keep at it!
If the trend of women in entrepreneurship
continues the same way, we will soon be able to
see an entrepreneurial landscape full of equal
6) Get certified - Certification moves women- opportunities. Imagine a world where women not
owned businesses beyond networking and training only can start and run a business but are also seen
to direct access to conversations with corporate as the pulse of a healthy economy. As long as
buyers. At WBE Canada, we certify businesses more women take the leap, keep learning and keep
that are 51 per cent or more owned, managed and empowering other women around them, we can
controlled by women. We call them Certified WBEs. be certain of a brighter tomorrow for our women
All WBEs are then listed in our database accessible entrepreneurs.
by large corporate and government buyers. To learn
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