Page 4 - Darlington Refurbishment Project
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Photo Credit – OPG

         The refurbishment involves replacing critical          three decades of station operation, are expected

        components of the CANDU reactors. Work began in         to generate $89.9 billion in economic benefits for
        October 2016, starting with the second of four units.   Ontario, create 14,200 jobs per year, and increase

                                                                personal income by an average of $1.6 billion on an
        The Unit 2 reactor achieved first criticality on April 9   annual basis, according to an independent report by

        this year. That means the reactor has initially shown   the Conference Board of Canada.

        its capacity to maintain a sustained chain reaction
        and create the energy needed to produce electricity,    With 96 per cent of project costs spent in Ontario

        said Jeff Richardson, senior vice-president, Nuclear    and the hiring of Ontario-based contractors, for
        Projects.                                               every $1 spent on the project, Ontario’s GDP is

                                                                expected to rise by an average of $1.40.

        Dietmar Reiner, chief project officer, described the
        milestone as a historic moment, when “essential         In addition to bolstering Ontario’s economy,

        services like ours are needed more than ever.”          an independent report prepared by Intrinsik

        The $12.8-billion refurbishment, and its subsequent     Environmental Sciences suggests the operation

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