Page 8 - Darlington Refurbishment Project
P. 8

online in 1990. Unit 1 followed in 1992, and Units      Contracts for the refurbishment indicate the project

        3 and 4 were brought online in 1993. In April 1999,     will provide apprenticeship opportunities for skilled

        Ontario Hydro was split into five component Crown       trades workers, including welders, electricians,
        corporations with Ontario Power Generation (OPG)        carpenters, insulators, ironworkers, boilmakers,

        taking over all electrical generating stations.         crane operators, heavy equipment mechanics and
        Responsibility for long-term plans to establish an      operators, construction millwrights and industrial

        appropriate mix of electricity supply in the province,   mechanics, and steam, pipe and gas fitters. OPG’s

        however, falls to the government of Ontario. The        aim is to have apprenticeships make up 20 per cent
        province has determined that a mix of options is        of the workforce on the project.

        the best approach for ensuring a safe, secure and
        reasonably priced electricity supply for its residents.   While workers carry out their duties, the station will

                                                                continue to operate. Each unit will be taken offline,

        OPG announced in February 2010 that its plans           one at a time, to be safely rebuilt.
        for the refurbishment would go ahead, and it

        established financing for the project as part of        In Canada, nuclear power plants are subject to

        its work program. OPG’s general operations have         oversight and regular licence renewal by the
        funded the initiation and execution preparation         Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC). OPG

        phases of the project.                                  is filing reports to the CNSC at various stages

                      O N T A R I O


                      E N E R G Y   C O N S E R V A T I O N   S P E C I A L I S T S

                     1 . 8 0 0 . 2 6 8 . 3 3 9 6   |   W W W . I N S U L A T O R S 9 5 . C O M

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