Page 9 - MHI Canada Aerospace
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atmosphere. We are always working together as and always pushing to the future,” says Cutts.
a team to continuously improve our business. “MHICA has been a great place to work and
Although we are a large company, we have a strong continues to have opportunities for myself as well
family-oriented culture.” as everyone who works at MHICA. I feel there are
not many companies within the world that people
Going forward, 2020 has been designated as the get to stay there till they are ready to retire and I am
year of sustainability at MHICA. The company just lucky to say I feel I have the opportunity to stay at
moved its warehouse into a new building that will MHICA till I am ready to retire.”
have energy-efficient lighting, a compactor in place
and full review of its waste-reduction plan.
“MHI has always been a strategic focused company
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