Page 4 - G3 Terminal Vancouver
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operations on Canada’s west coast, and act as
                                                                an essential conduit for Canadian farmers and

                                                                marketers to ensure global competitiveness in

                                                                moving agricultural commodities to world markets.
                                                                Primary materials handled at the G3 facility include

                                                                wheat, soybeans, canola, peas, corn (occasionally)

                                                                and some specialty by-products.

                                                                G3’s Vancouver terminal will feature a rail loop track
                                                                that will be capable of holding three 134-car trains,

                                                                unique to grain exporting terminals in Canada.  The

                                                                terminal includes over 180,000 metric tonnes of
                                                                storage and will be able to handle cereal grains,

                                                                oilseeds, pulses and special crops, much of which
                                                                will be supplied via a throughput agreement with

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