Page 3 - AltaPro Electric
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By Tina Costanza huge wave coming that we’re working on.”
A lberta wants solar power and AltaPro In addition to solar installations, AltaPro Electric
provides a wide range of electrical services that
Electric is responding to the call.
integrated project delivery to name a few
The award-winning Edmonton-based company in include design-build, maintenance work, and
the electrical design-build industry has seen an
increase in demand for solar installations, which Bert DeBruin, the company’s Chief Executive Officer,
result in fewer greenhouse gas emissions and founded AltaPro Electric in 1987.
savings on electricity bills.
“I was working for another electrical company as a
“This past year we’ve seen a lot more (demand) fourth-year electrician,” Bert explains. “There was no
included in just our regular electrical bids,” says work really. You drove in every day and then some
David DeBruin, Chief Financial Officer of AltaPro days you had work and some days you didn’t, which
Electric. “There’s definitely an influx coming in didn’t work well, because I had a mortgage at 13 ¾
on the municipal side. Most notably some very, per cent. So on my off days or when I got sent home
very large ground-mount projects that are all in I went into the Yellow Pages and I phoned every
the pipeline for Alberta. They’re planned to be number starting with Aa, on house builders, and by
constructed here in 2021 and beyond, so there’s a the time I got to the letter C, I was busy.”
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