Page 7 - AltaPro Electric
P. 7

David DeBruin, Chief Financial Officer                  Bert DeBruin, CEO

        LEVERAGING THE                                          economy of scale, especially when you get into the

        POWER FROM THE SUN                                      mega projects.

                                                                AltaPro Electric will always talk to clients about
        A solar project for a client begins with a site
                                                                the apps and monitoring devices available for their
        assessment, which is a critical part of the project,
                                                                phones, so they can track energy production. Some
        along with design. The site assessment team will
                                                                clients really want to see it in real time, while other
        consider factors such as location, condition, roof
                                                                don’t focus on it.
        surface, aesthetics, shading from nearby trees

        or buildings, past yearly energy consumption/
                                                                There’s a lot of changes happening not only in
        prediction, project budget, Building electrical
                                                                technology but in the solar industry itself. This
        capacity, and system goals. For instance, whether
                                                                means the DeBruins have to keep up to date with
        the system will aim for complete net-zero usage.
                                                                changes that could affect their business.

         AltaPro Electric works with both residential and
                                                                “I know for Bert and myself, helping drive some
        commercial clients. The approximate cost for
                                                                of the code changes to make sure that what we
        residential systems is $3 a Watt for a turnkey
                                                                have for code here in Alberta matches what’s
        system. Commercial and ground mounted projects
                                                                commonplace from the manufacturers across the
        vary as there are multiple factors that affect the
                                                                globe,” David says. “One of the hurdles with the
        cost. Generally, there is a good cost reduction with

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