Page 9 - AltaPro Electric
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basically kind of going against what the rules are.     projects it has underway and working on growing

        Nobody’s really policing that saying, you’re not        across Canada.

        supposed to hire labourers to do electrical work.’
        So that’s the challenge in our industry, is using       On its electrical side, the company is in the final

        unskilled labour to do solar.”                          stages of finishing a fast-paced large project

                                                                dubbed “Whirlwind” warehouse. On the solar side,
        AltaPro Electric’s own team, however, is a strong       the company has recently installed solar systems

        one. The recognition it has received in the past five   for three schools in the Edmonton Public School
        years alone include Alberta Venture Fast Growth         Board.

        50 (2017), Alberta Venture Contractor of the Year

        Awards finalist (2016 and 2014), and Alberta Venture    Beyond Edmonton, AltaPro Electric has already
        Contractor of the Year winner (2014 and 2011), And      expanded into B.C.

        EY Entrepreneur of the Year finalists for 2019
                                                                “We’ll pretty much go anywhere anyone will send

        Bert attributes the accolades to the investment the     us,” says Bert. “I would say that what’s next is

        company makes in itself.                                basically being more of a national company.”

        “We continually keep a good bottom line. We             “There's a huge wave of renewables works coming

        keep our equity high so that we’re very fluid and       down solar,” David adds. “We’re excited to take part
        can actually handle a lot of growth,” he says. “We      in that.”

        do a lot of hiring from within. We have pretty high

        standards. These awards are good recognition for                                   
        our people, who are our biggest asset.”

        Next up for AltaPro Electric is completing the

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