Page 6 - Edmonton Public Library - Revitalized Stanley A. Milner Library
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Third Floor Collections, Open to Below Stanley Milner Library- Teeple Architects (Photo Credit - Andrew Latreille)
Third Floor Computer Access, Customer Service Desk Second Floor Computer Access and Study Space
ceremonies. We worked with Elder Jo-Ann the modernization effort include a children’s library
Saddleback and many other members of Indigenous (Shelley Milner Children’s Library) that has tripled
communities to inform the design of this space. The in size, a Children’s Makerspace with hands-on
walls, ceiling and floor are made of white poplar. STEAM (Science, Technology, Art, Engineering and
According to Nêhiyawak creation stories, white Math) activities like coding, robotics and digital
poplar is the first tree in our territory.” creation, and a Gamerspace that has the latest
gaming consoles as well as retro video games.
There is also a larger Makerspace where library-
But space to connect is just the tip of the iceberg for goers can book time in one of three recording
the Stanley A. Milner Library. Some key features of studios (at no cost) or make use of the Studio Lab,
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