Page 7 - Edmonton Public Library - Revitalized Stanley A. Milner Library
P. 7

Stanley Milner Library- Teeple Architects (Photo Credit - Andrew Latreille)  Third Floor Collections

 Second Floor Computer Access and Study Space  Second Floor Computer Access and Study Space

        which is a space that allows photography, video and     interactive touchscreen wall. We are the only public

        audio amateurs to get hands-on experience with the      library in North America to have this technology
        most current equipment. Customers can also access       at this scale, and we are extremely proud of that.”

        creative software, design wall decals, press a t-shirt   In fact, “The Wall” is said to be the biggest digital

        and use sewing machines.                                exhibit in North America and one of the largest in
                                                                the world, requiring 12 computers and 278 screens

        According to Pilar, “As digital literacy is fundamental   to run.

        for success in society, and in keeping with our
        commitment to technology and innovation, we             And speaking of computers, the Milner Library

        have increased our Makerspace from 2,027 sq. ft.        offers Edmontonians access to over 70 public
        to 10,000 sq. ft. and have installed a two-storey       computers and free wi-fi.

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