Page 5 - Willowglen Systems
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Sky Train Large

        probably have WIFI, so it’s easy to add a ‘smart’       Karpoff, says, “We tend to focus on key areas:

        doorbell to your system,” Karpoff says. “In an          metro rail systems (e.g. Vancouver’s Skytrain),
        industrial context, it’s harder to do that because      pipeline network flow management (e.g. Singapore’s

        of system security and operational requirements.        gas energy supplier, Taiwan’s water distribution

        Willowglen bridges those gaps. Our clients’             network),  heavy rail systems and electrical power
        products and services are typically mission critical    (e.g. in all provinces in China).  With headquarters

        – when something goes wrong, very bad things            in Edmonton and an office in Calgary, Willowglen’s

        can happen.” Building an infrastructure that must       solutions are an excellent example of a Canadian
        function correctly every time is a highly complex       tech company with a global impact.


                                                                At the moment, the University of Alberta is home
        Understandably, quality control is of the utmost        to the most prolific engineering college in Canada.

        importance. Willowglen often builds to the same         And the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
        safety standards as companies that produce nuclear      (NAIT) – also Edmonton-based – is the largest

        reactors. You may not know the Willowglen brand,        polytechnic in the country.  Those institutions

        but you might be reading while riding a transit         graduate world-class students who are scooped up
        system their products support.                          by employers around the world.  As a result,

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