Page 5 - Town of Drayton Valley Aquatic Facility
P. 5

it.  Changes in regulations have meant that Drayton

                                                              Valley can no longer hold swim meets and activities

                                                              such as diving are no longer allowed as the pool no
                                                              longer meets the depth requirements.”

                                                              It’s about more than simply a pool—it has an overall

                                                              impact on the economy of the community as more

                                                              families end up travelling for competitions, and
                                                              families are choosing other communities with newer

                                                              facilities to call home.  “Over the last few years, Town
                                                              Council has committed to setting aside money for

                                                              this project and so have our municipal neighbours

                                                              Brazeau County,” says Doerkson. “When the federal
                                                              government granted over $7.5 million to the project,

                                                              that was our green light to get the project underway.

                                                              Fundraising efforts are still underway, but the bulk of
                                                              the capital has been secured to proceed and we are
  (Left to right) Councillor Fayrell Wheeler, Councillor Corey Peebles, Councillor Amila Gammana, Councillor, Mayor Michael Doerksen, Councillor Nancy Dodds, Councillor Bill Ballas
                                                              extremely excited to see this project finally happen.”

                                                              The general contractor for the team is Chandos, who

                                                              were chosen in a very competitive process which
                                                              saw the aquatic facility undertake an IPD (Integrated

                                                              Project Delivery) process. Chandos has a long history

                                                              of working on IPD projects and has surrounded
                                                              themselves with likeminded sub-contractors.  They

                                                              submitted their proposal as a group and it was
                                                              ultimately their experience that made them the

                                                              successful candidate.

                                                               “The Town had used the IPD process in the past with

                                                              great success, and due to the large capital nature

                                                              of this project, it was decided that taking the same
                                                              approach would be beneficial,” says Doerkson.  “In an

                                                              IPD process, you know the exact cost of the facility

 4   (Left to right)  Councillor Fayrell Wheeler, DVB Aquatic Committee Chair Laureen Bida, Acting Chief Administrative Officer and General Manager of   5
 Community Services Annette Driessen, Mayor Michael Doerksen, MLA Mark Smith, Brazeau County Reeve Bart Guyon
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