Page 8 - Town of Drayton Valley Aquatic Facility
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Teifion Evans, Production Superintendent and Cliff Swadling, Senior Director Production & Operations
                                                                                           at Obsidian Energy present a cheque for $100,000 to Drayton Valley Aquatic Committee members
  Town Council Group                                                                                                  Dave Davie and Karmyn James.

     Mayor Michael Doerksen, along with Park Valley Pool Manager Lana Holmes, Park Valley Pool
    Program Manager Leigh Osbourne, and DVB Aquatic Committee Chair Laureen Bida joined Keyera
      Representatives Todd Kjourlien and George Klesken to officially recognize Keyera’s $100,000
    contribution to the new Drayton Valley/Brazeau Aquatic Facility who will be recognized through a   David Dear, site superintendent from Chandos presents Ron Cameron from the Drayton Valley Food
                         naming sponsorship for the Competition Pool!                                    Bank with a cash donation as well as food for our local food bank.

        before you put shovels in the ground.  If there are     roof will have a full array of solar panels that will

        cost overruns, then that comes out of the pockets of    power a significant amount of the electrical needs
        the contractors.  When dealing with taxpayer dollars,   for the facility and the high efficiency natural gas

        having that certainty was very important.”              boilers will allow the new facility to have reduced

                                                                energy costs relative to our old facility, even with it
        The facility has been designed to reduce operational    being 4 times larger.”

        costs by focusing on energy optimization that

        meets the 2017 National Energy Code for Buildings       All aspects of the new Aquatic Facility are being
        (NECB), making it energy efficient and further          designed with energy efficiency in mind. Contractors

        contributing to cost savings in the building.   “The    will be using sustainable materials, finishes and

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