Page 10 - NCC Investment Group
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Igloolik Office Building
partnership was established for the purposes of is considering other opportunities in the Kivalliq
developing and constructing mixed-use commercial Region.
and residential buildings on the Lower Plateau in
Iqaluit,” says Synard. “One of the new buildings, “In terms of our construction operations, since
which is almost completed now, will house NCC’s inception, NCC Development has completed
new corporate head office, as well as the head construction projects valued at over $500 million,”
offices of Qikiqtaaluk Corporation and Nunasi says Synard. This includes infrastructure, offices and
Corporation.” housing for the Government of Nunavut, including
the Legislative Assembly Building in Iqaluit,
In 2021, NCC sold 126 of its original 250 residential commercial buildings, social housing, residential
units to the Nunavut Housing Corporation. NCC buildings and homes, hospitality buildings, special-
is now in the process of pursuing investment use facilities and industrial-use space.
opportunities to rebuild its asset base. For example,
in April 2022, NCC acquired a portfolio of 43 Housing is a large issue indeed and continues to be,
rowhouse units in Iqaluit. says Synard. “The lack of affordable housing leads
to over-crowding and homelessness. From this, it
Also in 2021, NCC launched a property management brings on even more issues on the health side of
services operation in the Kitikmeot Region. things. We feel that if the housing needs are met
for Nunavummiut, then many of the other issues we
In early 2022, NCC Properties Limited and Sakku face will improve. “
Properties Ltd. entered into a partnership, NCC
Kivalliq Properties. The partnership currently The largest issue with housing is the lack of
owns a mixed-use building in Rankin Inlet and different housing types in the continuum—the
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