Page 11 - NCC Investment Group
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   Inuksugait Plaza

        housing stock is primarily composed of public           investment provide opportunities to engage other
        housing and staff housing with some private home        Inuit-owned business, will the investment help to

        ownership.  “We are currently working with Inuit        satisfy a need of the community,” asks Synard.
        organizations and the government to fill in the gaps

        and create new housing models that will address         Synard has recently been recognized as Business

        the issues,” says Synard.  “The Inuit organizations     Person of the Year at the Baffin Regional
        and government need to collaborate to tackle the

        crisis we are faced with.  Discussions around this       Celebrating
        are now occurring.  The approaches in the past have      Clarence Synard and

        not worked and we feel that Inuit organizations          NCC Investment Group Inc.
                                                                 Thank you for your commitment
        are the solution to lead the way in addressing this      to Arctic investment
        serious issue.”                                          and development.

                                                                 Serving Nunavut

        A robust investment strategy assesses all      
        investment opportunities against a set of criteria,

        which are aligned with the strategic priorities of

        NCC. Criteria must consider social and fiduciary
        factors to be deemed a good fit; Return on

        Investment is measured not only by the fiscal
        bottom line, but its social Return on Investment

        equally. “For example, does the investment help

        to address the housing crisis, will the investment
        generate employment opportunities for Inuit, will the   ® / ™ Trademark(s) of Royal Bank of Canada.  VPS110035   127132 (09/2021)

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