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seen and what is expected from business decision- that your business documents well. By “well-
makers, government authorities and the general documented”, we mean tasks that are tracked,
public is that any AI that is released into our lives measured and reported using consistent protocols;
must be safety tested extensively and proven to this documentation--in formats that include texts,
do what it claims to do. The ability to easily explain location tracking, spreadsheets or images--provides
the technology to non-AI experts is also essential. the data needed to train AI solutions. Tally up the
Addressing these concerns provides an accelerant amount of time and resources that repetitive task
to rapid adoption of more advanced and more requires. If it is over $ 500 000 annually, the time
impactful AI solutions. is ripe to start a proof-of-concept (POC) project
with an AI solutions provider. Indeed, the prices for
ROUTINE AND AI solutions are increasingly competitive and now
WELL-DOCUMENTED often fall well below the current costs of the task
you identified for automation. Our clients have had
Identifying the best opportunities for AI automation lots of successes following a POC approach using a
need not be complex. Conduct a critical review of small amount of high-quality data. Such preliminary
your industry by first identifying repetitive tasks projects serve to validate that a proposed AI
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