Page 9 - Zetane Systems
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one, the abstract depictions of AI technology make funnel much-needed funds towards subsidizing
it difficult for business-leaders to understand technology adoption by Canadian industry as a
and evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of AI means to stimulate economic growth. Be sure to
innovations, as well as justify their costs. This, too, check out the opportunities on offer by SCALE AI
is changing since AI solution providers like ours Canada, CNRC-IRAP; and if you’re in Quebec, the
now provide visual and intuitive displays of AI Ministère de l'Économie et de l'Innovation (MEI) and
automation that are comprehensible to the business Investissement Québec. Our case with Pomerleau
community. With our platform, non-AI experts can is exemplary. This successful POC project enabled
communicate with AI specialists and challenge a our partnership to secure subsidies from the leading
proposed solution, question the assumptions and funding organization INVEST-AI, which helped
understand how their data influences AI algorithms. cover a significant proportion of our R&D efforts.
Ultimately, this ensures that end-users can bring We are confident your business can follow our lead
real-world operational context to proposed AI and acquire cutting-edge, trustworthy automation
solutions and significantly de-risk AI solutions prior without breaking the bank.
to their deployment.
Note that one benefit from the pandemic is that
provincial and federal governments continue to
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