BEC / April / 2014 - page 175

APRIL 2014
business elite canada
derstanding towards the trades and industry, I
began programing and helping with the needs
of our clients along with creating a niche for
being a service oriented leader in the supply
chains of our clients who now lead their mar-
The core competencies of design, manufacture
and integration allow East Metal to service a
wide range of industries, the most prominent
being Medical, Defence, Aerospace and Com-
mercial. “[With the] defense industry, because
we’re ISO 9000 and AS 9001 Revision C certi-
fied, as well as being Control Goods Certified,
it allows us to serve government contracts
and defence departments for military markets
with a high level of quality and a strong sense
of planning for low-risk mitigation,” says Sid-
hu. “These markets are quite varied and offer
an extensive range of challenges and opportu-
nities which require having a highly informed
understanding towards servicing them in or-
der to meet all industry demands.”
“With aerospace and defense there has to
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