BEC / April / 2014 - page 49

APRIL 2014
business elite canada
uranium, gold and oil & gas, as well as British Co-
lumbia’s high density of junior exploration com-
panies which represents 90 percent of the mar-
ket. Robert Dyke, Chairman of Wink Vibrance
Drill Company in Vancouver showcased their
new man-portable drill system for soil sampling
for environmental and exploration needs. “We
want to gain international exposure. Vancouver
is so local, but this show allows for a global pres-
ence and a lot more interest.”
Global players also took advantage of the con-
ference by showcasing their mining activities
around the world. Chairman of Argentina-based
Alto Americas, Guillermo Re Kuhl, has been
participating in the event since 1996 to show-
case his company’s latest activities and connect
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