BEC / April / 2014 - page 56

business elite canada
APRIL 2014
be business owners. Over 100 brands show-
cased their products and services from a wide
range of industries, the most prominent being
within the Food & Beverages trade. The big
players in the field proudly offered samples
of their products, such as Booster Juice, Kiwi
Kraze and Pizza Nova, and others on the list
included Mr. Souvlaki, Smoke’s Poutinerie,
Burger King, and many more. As well, a grow-
ing niche that was evident this year was the
home health care and senior services sector,
and as a result of the aging population, many
corporations are taking advantage of the de-
mand that this brings, such as Medical Care
Store Franchise Inc. and Senior Homecare by
Angels who proudly promoted their services.
Beauty supplies, fitness studios, education
centres and marketing firms rounded out the
efficacious exhibition list.
In addition to discovering new opportunities
and creating brand awareness, attendees were
able to gain knowledge about the ever-chang-
ing industry through seminars held through-
out the weekend. Gary Prenevost, Canada’s
top franchise matchmaking expert and Presi-
dent of FranNet Southern Ontario, hosted
his views on his perspective into the indus-
try, and enlightened attendees about the do’s
and don’ts within the competitive franchise
world. His seminar, “A 360° Perspective on
How to Choose the Right Franchise,” outlined
9 rules for finding the right business, includ-
ing browsing an array of opportunities before
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