88 business elite canada
also one of the first cleaning and maintenance
companies primarily serving the retail indus-
try to have an independent safety professional
on staff to monitor and examine any product
or chemical before it is used in Scandinavian
cleaning. Besides innovation, Hay says that
Scandinavian owes much of it’s success in part
to being a family business with his son, Russell
Hay, as president, his daughter Melanie as di-
rector of human resources and his daughter
Candace who manages safety insurance.
“I’m very blessed to have a family business
with his wife Wilda and three children who are
interested in the organization and supporting it
to bring it all together,” said Hay.
He also has a great reputation of service, not
only with clients, but employees to thank.
“The way our organization is set up is that we
partner with employees so that they can end
up on a project or two making a very strong
and comfortable living, and have consistent
time at home with their families,” said Hay.
“We get a lot of people coming in to talk to us