business elite canada 89
here in Alberta for that reason, even though it
is a competitive environment with the oil sands
being here. Our reputation helps us dramati-
cally in that respect.”
Scandinavian has one of the lowest turnover
rates in the industry and the recent recogni-
tion as being a Best Managed Canadian com-
pany has helped to attract new employees and
maintain loyal relations with people who have
worked for the company for years. Scandina-
vian Building Services has locations in B.C, Al-
berta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, and
the Maritimes, head office residing in Edmon-
ton, the company is now looking to expand
into Quebec and just across the United States
border. The short-term plan for Scandinavian is
to continue to strengthen its training, and qual-
ity control systems programs. Not a company
to rest on its laurels, Hay’s attitude defines the
company’s humble philosophy of continuous-
ly improving, “We’re only as good as the last
night’s clean.”