BEC / February / 2014 - page 123

confidence that capability and
customer quality are main-
tained, so we tend to have a
very low turnover staff.” Jash
adds that there is also a cross-
generational integration in
their staff, which provides for
an excellent balance.
One variable that has also
helped the company grow
is their loyal customer base.
“We have customers who
support us. We would like to
thank them. Their support is
The company’s core principals
lie with being innovative and
investing in quality equipment
and manpower. “It’s always
difficult for us to get expo-
sure. We don’t have a particu-
lar product we put out there.
We build many products for
many customers, and we’re
hoping to get a little bit of ex-
posure to say that manufac-
turing is not dead in Canada
– it’s striving if you can man-
age it properly,” closes Mike.
“We want them to be aware
that we’re here and we’re ca-
pable of building their prod-
ucts…They don’t need to go
business elite canada
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