BEC / February / 2014 - page 93

business elite canada
of an R&D company, and my
objective was to make it a
successful commercial com-
pany,” he says. The business
made headway in 2012 after
developing a product that had
the capacity to reach a com-
mercial audience, which was
adapted to meet the request
of their ongoing market stud-
ies. “There was a resistance to
change because most people
are still geared towards being
on paper, so what we had to
do is sell them a new process
of work -- a computerization,
a wireless care management
process -- and a new viable
TeleMedic prides itself in of-
fering a complete web-based
system that records vital signs
and all care activities on a
real time basis, and wirelessly
transmitting this data to the
patient file. “We were a bit
ahead of our time in those
days because the medical field
was not that computerized…
we had the capacity of taking
this information, but nobody
was able to use it because we
had no platform, so we devel-
oped a platform and a type of
electronic health record… we
built this software technology
to go with our hardware and
now we have a complete sys-
tem which we are successfully
commercializing in LTC facili-
ties, retirement residences,
pharmacies as well as private
The ramifications of using
such an intuitive technology
is that it takes away the geo-
graphic aspect of it, so physi-
cal separation from the client
and the patient will be a thing
of the past, and be replaced
by a tool that eliminates bar-
riers. “The efficiency process
is enhanced, the workflow is
optimized, there’s less risk of
errors and time waste, and
there is a better follow up
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