conscious, in keeping with a
culture of corporate social re-
SCMA invests heavily in qual-
ifying their members in order
to meet their potential while
guiding them on the dos and
don’ts in the industry. A Sup-
ply Chain Management Pro-
fessional (SCMP) designation
is offered which provides the
ability to define what a pro-
fessional looks like, their be-
haviors and competencies,
and the ability to be measured
against that standard to hold
the designation. “[The SCMP]
gives them recognition as a
professional and provides the
skills and knowledge they may
not have had the opportunity
to develop without having ac-
cess to the program, which in
turn gives them the ability to
progress within their career
and to contribute at a stra-
tegic level within their own
company,” says Cheryl.
“We run an annual survey
each year and it is statisti-
cally supported that our des-
ignation holders make a 17%
salary premium over their col-
leagues that don’t hold that
designation... it’s a return on
investment because it is quite
a rigorous program in which
they invest to participate so
we’re glad something comes
back to them through their
compensation and career ad-
As well, education and profes-
sional development programs
are offered by the association,
business elite canada