spective Institutes.
As achievements go, the
SCMA has quite a few. Their
SCMP designation was award-
ed the Global Standard for
Purchasing and Supply Chain
that is administered by the
International Federation of
Purchasing and Supply Man-
agement – the first program
in North America and sec-
ond in the world to be recog-
nized. As well, the organiza-
tion grants its own Awards of
Distinction and provides rec-
ognition for fellowships and
outstanding achievement to
individuals who have made a
significant contribution to the
association and to the field of
practice. The Supply Chain Ex-
cellence award is presented to
companies who have excelled
in supply chain innovation.
The association emphasizes
recognizing those that excel
in the industry, highlighting
best practices and role mod-
The future looks promising
for SCMA who will no doubt
make a splash in the industry
while soon approaching its
one-year anniversary under
their new brand. “We’ve just
completed a new strategic
business elite canada