BEC / June / 2014 - page 133

JUNE 2014
business elite canada
ety of different jobs involving
massive amounts of weight,
safety is of the utmost im-
portance. There is no course
offered in any trade school
that covers all the special-
ized training Donald Rigging
employees need to know. To
ensure the safety of their own
employees, Donald Rigging
provides their own special-
ized training to their employ-
ees in order to ensure famil-
iarity, proficiency and Safety
with the procedures they will
be required to undertake on a
jobsite on any given day.
Angus Donald’s personal
prioritization of safety, and his
people-first approach to busi-
ness is reflected in the com-
position of his company. “I
wanted to make people num-
ber one,” said Angus when
asked about his philosophy
behind his company. “I know
it is overused in business, but
I truly believe we have a close
knit family around here.”
2014-Ricklan-Ad.indd 1
2014-05-16 2:10 PM
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