BEC / June / 2014 - page 134

business elite canada
JUNE 2014
Even though Donald Rig-
ging has seen a steady growth
since their inception, they
stick to their principles of be-
ing a people-first business. Al-
though they are now a 120+
person strong operation, they
began only with 3 members;
Angus, Bonnie and Jeff Ikert.
Donald Rigging maintains
its close-knit work atmo-
sphere while expanding at
such a torrid pace by hiring
people from across Canada
with connections to the com-
pany; mainly friends and fam-
ily members of current em-
ployees. This environment
is essential to the continued
success of Donald Rigging,
as the type of work requires
large amounts of trust, coor-
dination and communication
with co-workers.
Although Donald Rigging
has exceeded its own expec-
tations for growth yearly since
its inception, there has never
been a sales employee work-
ing for the company. “Our
workmen are our salesmen.”
said Angus at Donald Rigging,
they let the work speak for it-
Quality workmanship is
of the utmost importance to
Donald Rigging, as they rely
on their reputation to attract
new customers. Judging by
the amount of growth they
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