BEC / June / 2014 - page 144

business elite canada
JUNE 2014
By: Leah Kellar
Stealth Energy Services
(Stealth) is a world leader that
has started from the ground
up in the supply of products
and services to the oil and
gas, heavy oil, oil sands, min-
ing and telecommunications
industries. Working out of his
basement, company founder
and president, Colin Davi-
son, started Stealth in 2006
with just one employee. The
company has since expanded
from humble beginnings to
reach some of the highest
echelons of decision-making
influence within the industry.
In only four short years since
creating Stealth, Davison was
offered a seat as a participant
at the roundtable discussion
of Canada’s Economic Action
Plan (a strategy of positive
measures to grow the econo-
my and to help create jobs fol-
lowing the global recession of
2009), where he found him-
self speaking candidly with
Prime Minister Stephen Harp-
er. In 2010, Davison was hon-
ored by Prince Charles, Prince
of Wales, in acceptance of the
Global Innovator of the Year
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