JUNE 2014
business elite canada
nesses that were similar and
just thought I could build a
better mouse trap,” he said.
And if the company’s
growth is any indication, then
he has certainly been a suc-
cess at improving the mouse-
trap. Currently in its ninth
year, the Calgary based com-
pany has grown at a minimum
rate of 40 percent annually,
totaling 350 per cent for the
past five years. Stealth sits at
number 11 of Alberta’s Top 50
of the fastest growing com-
panies as seen in the recent
publishing of Alberta Venture
It was six months after its
start that the company was
able to move out of the base-
ment and into a small shop
location. Today, Stealth has
about 50,000 square feet
of shop space and about 20
acres of land for packaging
products. It has gone from
one employee to start, to six
by the end of 2006, to 25 in
2007, and now it has 140.
Within months the enterprise
grew from a small business to
a medium size one averaging
60 employees before a few
major contracts catapulted
the company to new heights
of growth. In 2008 and 2009
Stealth landed contracts with
Suncor and Siemens Canada.
The Suncor Firebag and North