BEC / June / 2014 - page 156

business elite canada
JUNE 2014
neers providing project plan-
ners, schedulers, construction
engineers, and commission-
ing engineers within the oil
sands industry. The success-
ful set up eventually led to
the decision to expand the
business into other sectors
within the industry for the lo-
cal and international markets,
such as general and advanced
non-destructive testing that
ensures the reliability of as-
sets and equipment,” says
Azmi, who came on board the
company in 2008 as the Divi-
sion Manager prior to setting
up an office for Metalcare in
His extensive business
management experience in
dealing with international
clients has played a signifi-
cant factor in the growth and
expansion of the company.
In April of 2011, Hussain as-
sisted in the establishment
of the Geotechnical Division
to provide geotechnical en-
gineering consultancy and
material testing. Azmi was
soon promoted to VP in the
same year, with the focus of
restructuring the company in
anticipation of record growth
and ensuring that stakehold-
ers are on board with future
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