tunnel boring, pipe ramming
and bursting and horizontal
directional drilling (HDD) ser-
vices through innovative but
globally proven technologies
and Marathon Drilling was
among the first of its peers
to broaden its technological
“North America has been
about fifty years behind, in
terms of tunneling,” says An-
drew. “But we are catching
up very fast and have some
strong players in the indus-
try. The old-school engineers
always pushed back on tun-
neling because it was con-
sidered more expensive than
standard operations and we
had a lot of space. As we be-
came more competent and as
methodologies became more
solidified, engineers began to
wake up and understand that
the solutions offered by these
globally accepted methodolo-
gies were true and there were
advancements being made
in the tunneling world every
year.” The world of trenchless
technologies has seen a rap-
id change in the last decade,
and as prices for rehabilita-
JUNE 2014
business elite canada