BEC / June / 2014 - page 166

tion started to increase, the
distance between tunneling
and open-cut construction
began to get smaller, as there
are many societal, physical
and political costs associated
with the traditional model.
Drilling is an intricate and
risky business and must con-
sist of individuals who are
knowledgeable in rock me-
chanics. “You have to adapt
and be thinking ahead; and of
what new technologies can be
brought in to fix a problem,”
advocates Andrew. “We’re a
specialty niche provider. Just
owning a drill doesn’t make
a drilling company.” The com-
pany works with all stake-
holders involved in a project
to ensure that each party is
content with the end result
and are “committed to our
customers’ success. We un-
derstand their jobs and repu-
tations are on the line with
every project we undertake
with them.”
Never shying away from
a tough project, Marathon
Drilling works all year round
and through arduous weath-
business elite canada
JUNE 2014
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