BEC / June / 2014 - page 54

business elite canada
JUNE 2014
seek to rectify other significant issues. The
project hopes to enhance access to emergen-
cy, health and social services, greater mobil-
ity through a reliable transportation network
and a sustainable economic development plan,
which includes stable employment for citizens
as well as tourism and resource development.
“A major part of our mandate is to create
sustainable economic development opportuni-
ties for the people in the communities. There
has been some dissatisfaction from First Na-
tions communities in regards to governments,
and we are working to build back trust,” says
Gilroy. “Our plan is to, over a period of time,
hire these communities to produce the materi-
als needed for the project and it is critical to
that process that we have positive relationships
with those communities.” The ESRA is keen on
making sure these individuals not only receive
assistance, but also acquire the skills needed
to thrive in society - to be able to provide for
their families on their own merit and capabili-
ties. The initiative will help to build capacity
in the communities so that they will be able
to become major players in the construction
and maintenance of the all-season road. This
will have a long-term economic benefit for the
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