ent types of buildings, and
a greater chance of mentor-
ships with many senior engi-
neers and designers already
on board within the first few
The firm ventured into the
electrical side of the market
in 1970 through an acquisi-
tion. Walkes acknowledges
that mechanical service still
encompasses about 60 per
cent of work completed. The
company has also doubled
in the number of employees
in the past 15 years from ap-
proximately 35 to 70. The
name was formally changed
to SMS in 2000— a revision
of the company name to the
surname initials of its found-
ers. SMS was incorporated
in Manitoba and is wholly
owned and directed by engi-
neers and technicians active
in the firm and residing in the
province. Specialized LEED
accreditation by numerous
staff in the firm has been a
business elite canada
JUNE 2014