major selling point of benefit
to clients since the early half
of the past decade, bringing
SMS into an exciting new era
of practical strategies in the
design concepts of buildings
and development for greater
natural energy conservation.
“I was always interested
in doing energy conserva-
tion and LEED encompasses
everything. LEED has helped
get the entire project team
together using the integrat-
ed design process, and then
getting everyone to focus on
portions of the building to
make it better. LEED also has
the other aspect of a benefit
to the occupants in things like
daylight harvesting, and natu-
ral ventilation that contribute
to a healthier environment
for people,” said Walkes.
Walkes took the energy
conservation route approxi-
mately 14 years ago when
he started at SMS retrofitting
and condensing boiler plants
and chiller plants in existing
schools. At that time schools
often had steam boilers,
which were more convenient
as opposed to hot water boil-
ers, which are more efficient.
From that time forward, SMS
has almost exclusively speci-
fied condensing boilers un-
less the system required too
much of an overhaul to incor-
porate the switch.
One of SMS’s more inter-
esting and memorable proj-
Assiniboine Park Zoo
JUNE 2014
business elite canada