business elite canada 67
Challenger has the latest fuel economy for its
tractors and installed new software technology
in its supply chain management. Satellite devic-
es have been recently installed in all of its trac-
tors for electronic logging of driver’s routes to
accurately track hours of service. The company
has also invested in auto-inflate technology
systems in its trailers to reduce the number of
breakdowns due to under-inflated tires. Stay-
ing current with investment in these necessary
innovations is just part of the reason why Chal-
lenger has received the Best Managed Compa-
ny recognition from Deloitte for an outstanding
13 years in a row.
“It talks about your strategy, financial benefit,
sustainability, people involvement, etc. Basi-
cally we complete their standard, and answer
their questionnaire as honestly and as com-
pletely as possible,” said Peeples.
“In the beginning the recognition was good
for gaining business and promotion. Now after
13 years, it really hasn’t caused us to change
significantly, but what it caused us to do is be a
bit more introspective about the kind of things
that we are doing.”
Challenger employees have contributed to
more than 30 awards over the last 10 years, and
the list goes on prior years. Many have been
awarded for on-time service, fast service, and
for being environmentally conscious in com-
pany practices and incorporating innovations.
Challenger also makes donations of time, fund-
ing and transport services to a variety of chari-
ties with the local community and supported
by its employees.
The three pillars of Challenger: its people,
customers, and profit-building initiatives—
have sustained its growth.
“This company has been in business for a long
time and so as a result, you create a lot of busi-
ness relationships. There’s not many industries
or companies out there that haven’t heard of
Challenger—certainly in Canada and lots of ar-
eas of the U.S,” said Peeples. “That wouldn’t be
without the commitment of our people, and
the loyal partnerships we have with our cus-
tomers, and the businesses who support us.”