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enhancement of safety standards, quality control systems, company by Robyn Villebrun (Athabasca Chipewyan
and overall profit margins. First Nation Member and local to the RMWB). Knowing
that a healthy workforce makes a healthy industry and
PGC provides comprehensive industry knowledge that gives ultimately, a healthy community, Robyn has taken her
you unparalleled insights and sustainable project solutions knowledge and expertise as a Registered Nurse at Oil
to the market’s changing needs. Our team doesn’t simply Sands sites and transformed it into a comprehensive local
look for problems to solve, we look for the industry leaders occupational health business serving company in the
asking questions that lead to the answer. Let us be your Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo. The company has
partner in innovation. been in operation since 2016 and through strategic planning
and disciplined operation, it has seen substantial year over
NATIONAL THERMOVOLTAICS year growth. Medika North Inc. team believes strongly in
Global industry faces a massive, existential waste heat supporting local Indigenous business and working to create
problem. Single use heat is our planet’s most undervalued thriving and mutually-beneficial relationships between
resource. As we demand even more energy; waste industry and the people of the surrounding lands.
heat becomes our largest renewable resource. Historic
thermoelectric technologies carry significant operational Medika North Inc. offers custom-made occupational health
risk & complexity, combined with increasingly serious and safety planning services, wellness programs, and a
environmental & economic limitations. long list of testing services from mask fitting and drug
testing to hearing assessments. Staff are fully trained and
National Thermovoltaics has pioneered breakthrough, safe, use up-to-date research to provide health surveillance and
heat to power at MW scale. NTV’s modular solid-state education intended to prevent incidents and illness in the
systems are not only more efficient, but offer unmatched workforce. Medika North Inc. also oversees and manages
density & scalability. NTV’s architecture features industry- special projects such as COVID-19 Isolation Centres in Fort
leading controls design, cyber security certification, tamper McMurray and Fort Chipewyan, Alberta, COVID-19 Treatment
monitoring and location tracking. Through novel material Clinic in Fort McMurray and Rapid Antigen Screening at the
science and advanced engineering, NTV’s innovations yield airports as a part of COVID-19 Health Service Support.
thermal efficiencies and scale not formerly thought possible.
Medika North Inc is a proud member of Northeastern
Canada is committed to being a global clean energy leader, Alberta Aboriginal Business Association (NAABA), Canadian
working towards a 90% non-emitting electricity by 2030. Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB) and is listed in
NTV will make a direct positive impact, providing clean Indigenous Business Directory.
power from waste heat.
Learn more about Medika North Inc. including a full list of
MEDIKA NORTH services at the company’s website:
Medika North Inc. is an Indigenous-owned and operated