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says Walsh. From initial cost analysis and project      The company provides onsite training in conjunction
        planning to fabrication and onsite execution,           with reputable industry partners, offer opportunities

        Phoenix’s experienced and knowledgeable teams           for personal development, and it regularly contribute

        work in tandem with clients to establish systems        to initiatives that positively impact its staff and the
        and processes that provide transparency and             communities where employees live and work every

        accuracy—ensuring they deliver quality, cost-           day.
        effective results.
                                                                25 YEARS OF SUCCESS

        Says Walsh, “This commitment to transparency,
        along with our advancements in lean project             In business for 25 years, Phoenix was founded

        execution and sophisticated software delivery           on the principle of providing consistent value for

        systems, gives our clients valuable insights and sets   clients through an unwavering commitment to
        us a cut above other firms in our industry.”            accountability and visibility. “This commitment has

                                                                evolved over the years to include an effort to provide
        GIVING BACK                                             continuous learning opportunities on how to better

                                                                serve our clients,” says Walsh. “Our clients come to

        Giving back is woven into the fabric of Phoenix         us knowing they can trust our years of experience
        Industrial, always investing in its people and          backed by a proven track record of safety

        community by providing training, avenues for            performance, quality control, and risk management

        personal development and positive community             solutions that consistently produce results.”
        participation. Phoenix has always believed that

        investing in its people and building relationships                      
        with community partners is foundational to its

        success and crucial in building a better future.

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