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at the heart of the company’s success. The focus        “As the market evolved, we noticed that less and

        is, and always has been, on taste and quality—from      less people interacted with us over the phone
        their batter mix blend of spices, to 18 sauce and       or in person,” says Czarnogorski. “With the new

        seasoning flavours, right down to the finishing         technology giants like Netflix, and Amazon proving
        touches.                                                that people want to place orders online and

                                                                consume them at their home, we understood that

        “Our model has always been a small footprint,           our customers were no different,” he adds, citing
        takeout and delivery concept,” says Darren              that currently 65 per cent of all of our orders come

        Czarnogorski, President of WingsUp!. “We firmly         from online channels. “We expect that to grow to 90

        believed that in both high and low business cycles,     per cent in the next few years.”
        there will always be a demand for high-quality,

        takeout, and delivery comfort food.  By offering a      How did WingsUp! become an industry leader in

        truly fresh and satisfying comfort food experience,     customer service? One could point to its focus
        we stand out from other restaurants in the takeout      on a user-friendly e-commerce platform to make

        and delivery space, and have carved out a very loyal    placing orders quicker and more convenient. The
        following.”                                             average transaction online is 25 per cent higher

                                                                than the same transaction placed by phone or

        WingsUp! evolved with the consumer trends while         in-person, suggesting that people enjoy browsing
        remaining true to its vision of freshness, quality, and   through the product line and taking their time to

        convenience. E-Commerce evolved the business            place their order. “This “no pressure” approach to
        and made huge changes to how it operates since its      offering our products ends up lifting our overall

        inception—most notably how customers place their        average transaction,” says Czarnogorski. The

        orders.                                                 delivery component of the WingsUp! business is

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