BEC / August / 2013 - page 23

business elite canada
sign® (LEED) Gold certified
in accordance with the LEED
Canada-NC rating system,
the first forensic facility in
Canada to receive this rating.
Additionally, green initia-
tives have been implemented
throughout the complex in-
cluding a green roof, lights on
motion and daylight sensors,
high technology glass with
low heat loss in winter and
low heat gain in summer, and
waste diversion construction
Despite the nature of the
work that will occur in the
FSCC, staff will be exposed
to a facility that is an “excit-
ing, stimulating, and collab-
orative place to work,” says a
representative from the CFS.
The predominantly glass ex-
terior will allow for penetra-
tion of sunlight throughout
the complex. Unlike the dark
and enclosed laboratory envi-
ronments that are common of
forensics facilities, the FSCC
will boost moral and pro-
ductivity through the abun-
dance of natural light present
throughout the building.
With construction ending on
April 15th 2013, the building
has since been open for tours
to the public. However, mov-
ing all operations to the com-
plex is still a work in progress.
A representative from CFS
states, “We have to apply the
same level of diligence and
precision to the move plan as
has been used in the design
and construction of the facil-
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