business elite canada
ing, Frank Lucchetta, and ask
him a few questions. Lucchetta,
who joined the company al-
most a quarter century ago, has
enjoyed the role Jamieson has
played as Canada’s oldest and
largest manufacturer and dis-
tributor of natural vitamins,
minerals, food supplements,
herbs, and botanical medicines.
“I’ve been here for 25 years. [I]
started in ’89 and I was in the
cosmetic industry for 11 years prior to that.
Seeing this company grow from its health
food/small pharmacy base to now we export
to 40 countries, it’s been a pretty cool, steady,
and exciting 25 years.”
For over 90 years, Jamieson Laboratories has
been dedicated to developing the finest and
most innovative products to advance the health
and vitality of all Canadians. With a well-
known reputation for manufacturing products
with the finest sustainable natural sources,
Jamieson is constantly searching for ways to
improve their products and services, and they
make every attempt to exclusively pursue part-
nerships with progressive, like-minded part-
ners that strive for these same high standards.
“In our minds the foundation for a great indus-
try that would enable more consumers to come
into the category was safety. As long as they
knew that the product wasn’t going to harm
them they would be more willing to try it…
We have recognition around the world as be-
ing a high quality product.”
Lucchetta added, “There has been this con-
sistent campaign that has developed the trust
factor with the consumers. It gets reported
back to us every time we do our consumer fo-
cus groups – it’s the trust factor [that’s impor-