business elite canada
the rest of the world.”
What does the future hold in
store for Jamieson Laborato-
ries? Lucchetta believes that
the rising life expectancy rate
will certainly play a part, as
will stress and way of life.
“From a product and innova-
tion perspective… you may
see more in the way of prod-
uct offerings where sleep and
stress or digestive or cogni-
tive functions will be enriched
with the kinds of formulations
that we have in the works
now, either in their theoreti-
cal stage or in their develop-
ment, finished stage.”
Throughout its history, Ja-
mieson has been a pioneer in
the natural healthcare market,
providing consumers with in-
novative products of the high-
est quality. Still holding true
to the tradition it started in
1922, Jamieson will continue
to adhere to the hallmarks of
its trusted brand — quality,
purity and safety.